Registration Fee: $15
Maximum Player Count: 16 Players
Armies: 2000 Point Battle Forged Armies
This tournament will consist of three rounds. Each round will be three hours long, with a thirty minute lunch break after round one. Round one will start promptly at 9:00 AM, doors will open at 8:30 AM. Please arrive promptly and be ready by round one to avoid any issues. This event will use the rules used in the most current version of each codex or index for Warhammer 40,000 ninth edition. Legends units will be disallowed. Any FAQ or new book release prior to a week before the event will be subject to review on whether it will be allowed in the tournament, which will be posted for players to see here on this page. All armies need to be submitted on the BCP App prior to the start of the event on Saturday, and are subject to review and approval by a TO. Please bring a current copy of your codex and rules for Warhammer 40,000 ninth edition, as well as any relevant FAQs for the army in printed form for any rules references. Players will also need to provide their own gaming aids, such as dice and tape measures. Prizes will be given to first, second, and third place based off win record followed by battle points. Best painted will also be awarded based on TO judging. Battle Ready Painting requirements will be waived, but there will be a prize provided for best painted.
***Event details are subject to change***